Title: Alfred Wegener and Continental Drift
Grade Level: 6-8
Subject: Earth Science
Duration: 2-3 class periods
Objectives: 1. Students will understand the theory of continental drift proposed by Alfred Wegener. 2. Students will be able to explain the evidence supporting the theory of continental drift. 3. Students will analyze the impact of continental drift on Earth’s landforms and climate. 4. Students will engage in critical thinking and scientific inquiry through hands-on activities and discussions.
Materials: - Textbooks or online resources about Alfred Wegener and continental drift - World map or globe - Puzzles or cutouts of continents - Construction paper - Scissors - Glue - Markers or colored pencils - Chart paper or whiteboard - Projector or computer for multimedia presentations
Day 1:
- Introduction (10 minutes):
- Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever wondered why the continents look like puzzle pieces that could fit together.
- Show a world map or globe and ask students to observe the shapes of the continents.
- Explain that Alfred Wegener was a German scientist who proposed the theory of continental drift, which suggests that the continents were once joined together in a single landmass called Pangaea.
- Presentation on Alfred Wegener (20 minutes):
- Provide a brief overview of Alfred Wegener’s life and his contributions to the field of geology.
- Use a projector or computer to show images and videos related to Wegener’s work.
- Discuss the key points of Wegener’s theory, including the concept of Pangaea and the movement of continents over time.
- Evidence of Continental Drift (30 minutes):
- Divide students into small groups and provide each group with puzzles or cutouts of continents.
- Instruct students to assemble the continents to form Pangaea and observe how they fit together.
- Ask students to discuss and share their observations with the class.
- Introduce additional evidence supporting continental drift, such as fossil records, rock formations, and climate patterns.
- Engage students in a class discussion about the significance of this evidence and how it supports Wegener’s theory.
Day 2:
- Impact of Continental Drift (30 minutes):
- Provide students with construction paper, scissors, glue, and markers or colored pencils.
- Instruct students to create a visual representation of how continental drift has influenced Earth’s landforms and climate.
- Encourage students to include specific examples, such as the formation of mountain ranges, the opening and closing of ocean basins, and changes in climate patterns.
- Allow students to present their creations to the class and explain their understanding of the topic.
- Review and Discussion (20 minutes):
- Use chart paper or a whiteboard to create a visual summary of the key points discussed throughout the lesson.
- Engage students in a review discussion, asking questions to reinforce their understanding of Alfred Wegener’s theory and the evidence supporting it.
- Encourage students to ask questions and share any additional information they have learned.
Day 3 (Optional):
- Extension Activities:
- If time permits, students can conduct further research on the impact of continental drift on specific regions or geological events.
- Students can create multimedia presentations, posters, or written reports to share their findings with the class.
- Encourage students to explore recent advancements in the field of plate tectonics and how they relate to Wegener’s theory.
Assessment: - Observe students’ participation and engagement during class discussions and activities. - Review students’ visual representations of the impact of continental drift for accuracy and understanding. - Assess students’ understanding through informal questioning during the review and discussion session. - Evaluate students’ extension activities based on their research, presentation, and ability to connect the concepts to Alfred Wegener’s theory.