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Read moreWe have worked with thousands of amazing people
“Teacherbot is a fantastic resource that is the ideal tool for all teachers! Since discovering it, I have used it weekly to help me plan engaging lessons across all curricular areas. I particularly enjoy using it to help me create differentiate tasks to challenge my class. Using TeacherBot saves me so much time each week significantly reducing my planning time.”
“I love the versatility that Teacherbot provides. Unusual and provoking resources to suit themes and topics. I am loving using the picture creator to provide photos for my tuff spots and displays. These enable the children to deepen their knowledge and vocabulary. The colouring pages are stunningg too and perfect for developing pencil control. Teacherbot has definitely enhanced our provision and I cannot wait to explore it further.”
“I love the Additional Support Needs tool. It saved me hours of time and lessened my stress level, as I’ve been working with students who need extra behavioural support”
“There are lots of things to love about Teacherbot! I really like the Morning Starters as it is a quick and easy way to create activities linked to our class topic to engage my pupils when they first come into class. I also love the Image Magician as I can create any image I want to suit class themes. My pupils particularly enjoy this tool as it brings their ideas to life!”
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“Teacherbot was built for teachers by teachers. We know how hard it can be to teach 30 children, keep your classroom tidy, mark homework and try to have time for and your family as well. That's why we are here.”