Teacherbot 23 Aug, 03:45:53

[School Name] [Department Name] [Course Name] [Course Number] [Semester/Year]

Late Add Signature Worksheet

Student Information: Name: ___________________ Student ID: __________________ Email: __________________ Phone Number: ________________

Course Information: Course Title: ________________ Course Number: ________________ Section Number: _________________ Instructor’s Name: ________________

Late Add Justification: Please provide a brief explanation of why you are requesting to be added to this course after the official add/drop deadline. Include any relevant circumstances or reasons that prevented you from registering for this course during the regular registration period.

You 23 Aug, 03:47:06

Make this simpler to understand

Teacherbot 23 Aug, 03:47:06

Late Add Signature Worksheet

Student Information:
Name: _______________________________________________________
Student ID: __________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________
Phone Number: ______________________________________________

Course Information:
Course Title: ________________________________________________
Course Number: ______________________________________________
Section Number: _____________________________________________
Instructor's Name: __________________________________________

Late Add Justification:
Please briefly explain why you are requesting to be added to this course after the official add/drop deadline. Include any relevant circumstances or reasons that prevented you from registering for this course during the regular registration period.