29 Aug, 00:36:05
Bathroom Policy:
- Students must sign out before leaving the classroom to use the bathroom.
- Students must carry the hall pass provided by the school at all times.
- The hall pass should be visible and presented upon request by any staff member.
- Only one student is allowed to use the bathroom at a time.
- Students should use the nearest available bathroom and return promptly to the classroom.
- Excessive or prolonged bathroom breaks may be subject to disciplinary action.
- In case of an emergency, students should inform a staff member immediately.
- Students are responsible for the cleanliness and proper use of the bathroom facilities.
- Any damage or misuse of the bathroom facilities will be reported and consequences may apply.
- Failure to comply with the bathroom policy may result in loss of privileges or further disciplinary measures.
Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment.