Teacherbot 01 Sep, 17:00:57
  1. Start and end on time: Respect everyone’s time by starting and ending the meeting at the designated times.

  2. Come prepared: Faculty members should come to the meeting having reviewed any relevant materials or agenda items beforehand.

  3. Active participation: Encourage all faculty members to actively participate in the meeting by sharing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns.

  4. One person speaks at a time: To ensure effective communication, establish the norm that only one person speaks at a time. This helps prevent interruptions and ensures everyone’s voice is heard.

  5. Respectful and inclusive language: Create an environment where all faculty members feel respected and included by using respectful and inclusive language.

  6. Constructive feedback: Encourage faculty members to provide constructive feedback during discussions, focusing on ideas rather than personal attacks.

  7. Stay on topic: Keep the meeting focused on the agenda items and avoid going off on tangents that are not relevant to the purpose of the meeting.

  8. Confidentiality: Establish the norm that any sensitive or confidential information discussed during the meeting should not be shared outside of the faculty group.

  9. Decision-making process: Clearly define the decision-making process, whether it’s through consensus, voting, or another method, to ensure everyone understands how decisions will be made.

  10. Follow-up and accountability: Assign action items and deadlines for tasks discussed during the meeting, and hold faculty members accountable for completing their assigned tasks.

  11. Open-mindedness: Encourage faculty members to approach discussions with an open mind, being willing to consider different perspectives and ideas.

  12. No side conversations: Discourage side conversations during the meeting to maintain focus and ensure everyone can hear and participate in the discussion.

  13. Use technology appropriately: Establish guidelines for using technology during the meeting, such as limiting distractions from personal devices and using technology for relevant purposes only.

  14. Take turns facilitating: Rotate the responsibility of facilitating the meeting among faculty members to promote shared leadership and engagement.

  15. Follow-up communication: After the meeting, provide a summary of the discussion and any decisions made to ensure everyone is informed and on the same page.