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Teacherbot 19 Aug, 14:23:34

Sure! Here’s a lesson plan for exploring the daily life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age for a Year 3 class:

Lesson: Daily Life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age Subject: History Grade: Year 3

Objective: - To understand the daily life of people during the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. - To compare and contrast the daily life in each era.

Materials: - Pictures or illustrations depicting daily life in each era - Chart paper or whiteboard - Markers - Worksheets (optional)

Duration: 60 minutes


  1. Starter (10 minutes): - Display pictures or illustrations of daily life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. - Ask students to observe the pictures and discuss with a partner what they notice about each era. - After a few minutes, gather the class and ask a few students to share their observations.

  2. Teaching Element (15 minutes): - Explain to the students that they will be learning about the daily life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. - Discuss each era briefly, highlighting key characteristics and advancements. - Use the pictures or illustrations to support your explanations. - Write down important points on the chart paper or whiteboard for reference.

  3. Task (25 minutes): - Divide the class into small groups. - Provide each group with a worksheet (optional) or ask them to create a T-chart on a piece of paper. - Instruct the groups to compare and contrast the daily life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. - Encourage them to consider aspects such as housing, clothing, food, tools, and technology. - Allow the groups to discuss and fill in their charts or worksheets. - Circulate around the classroom, providing guidance and answering questions.

  4. Plenary (10 minutes): - Bring the class back together and ask each group to share one similarity and one difference they found between the eras. - Write these on the chart paper or whiteboard. - Facilitate a class discussion, allowing students to ask questions and share their thoughts on the daily life in each era. - Summarize the main points discussed and emphasize the advancements made from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.

Extension Activity (optional): - Ask students to create a poster or a short presentation about one of the eras, focusing on the daily life aspects discussed in class. - Encourage them to use their creativity and include visuals to support their work.

Note: Adapt the lesson plan as per the needs and abilities of your students.