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Teacherbot 28 Aug, 23:07:51
  1. On what page does Chapter 2 of Charlotte’s Web begin?
  2. What is the name of the pig that Fern’s father wants to kill?
  3. Why does Fern’s father want to kill the pig?
  4. What does Fern do to convince her father not to kill the pig?
  5. What is the name of the farm where Fern lives?
  6. Who is the first animal that Fern meets at the farm?
  7. What is the name of the spider that Fern finds in the doorway of the barn?
  8. What does Fern name the pig?
  9. What does Fern’s mother think about her spending so much time in the barn?
  10. On what page does Chapter 2 of Charlotte’s Web end?