24 Aug, 05:04:02
- On what page does the story introduce Bruno, the main character of the book?
- What is the name of Bruno’s older sister, and on what page is she mentioned?
- On page 12, Bruno’s father receives a promotion. What is his new job title?
- On page 23, Bruno describes his new home as “the strangest place he had ever lived.” Why does he feel this way?
- On page 34, Bruno sees a group of people outside his window wearing striped pajamas. Who are these people, and why are they wearing such clothes?
- On page 42, Bruno meets a boy named Shmuel. Where does Shmuel live, and why is he there?
- On page 51, Bruno’s mother tells him that he must not explore the area beyond the house. Why does she give him this warning?
- On page 63, Bruno decides to bring Shmuel some food. What does he bring, and why does he choose this particular item?
- On page 74, Bruno and Shmuel discuss their families. How are their family situations different?
- On page 85, Bruno and Shmuel make a plan to find Shmuel’s father. What is their plan, and why is it risky?