Teacherbot 20 Aug, 13:32:33
  1. On what page does the story of Swallows and Amazons begin?
  2. What is the name of the lake where the Walker family goes on their summer holiday? (Page 1)
  3. How many siblings are in the Walker family? (Page 2)
  4. What is the name of the boat that the Walker children use to explore the lake? (Page 3)
  5. Who are the Amazons and where do they come from? (Page 5)
  6. What is the name of the island that the Walker children claim as their own? (Page 7)
  7. What do the Walker children use to signal to each other across the lake? (Page 10)
  8. What is the name of the man who owns the farm near the lake? (Page 12)
  9. What is the name of the boat that the Walker children borrow from the farm? (Page 15)
  10. What do the Walker children plan to do on their first night on the island? (Page 18)

You 20 Aug, 13:32:55

Now I want to create 3 different versions of this. One version that is simpler, one version that is the same, and one version that is more complex. Format the output in 3 nice sections.

Teacherbot 20 Aug, 13:32:55

Simpler Version:
1. On what page does the story of Swallows and Amazons begin?
2. What is the name of the lake where the Walker family goes on their summer holiday?
3. How many siblings are in the Walker family?
4. What is the name of the boat that the Walker children use to explore the lake?
5. Who are the Amazons and where do they come from?
6. What is the name of the island that the Walker children claim as their own?
7. What do the Walker children use to signal to each other across the lake?
8. What is the name of the man who owns the farm near the lake?
9. What is the name of the boat that the Walker children borrow from the farm?
10. What do the Walker children plan to do on their first night on the island?

Same Version:
1. On what page does the story of Swallows and Amazons begin?
2. What is the name of the lake where the Walker family goes on their summer holiday? (Page 1)
3. How many siblings are in the Walker family? (Page 2)
4. What is the name of the boat that the Walker children use to explore the lake? (Page 3)
5. Who are the Amazons and where do they come from? (Page 5)
6. What is the name of the island that the Walker children claim as their own? (Page 7)
7. What do the Walker children use to signal to each other across the lake? (Page 10)
8. What is the name of the man who owns the farm near the lake? (Page 12)
9. What is the name of the boat that the Walker children borrow from the farm? (Page 15)
10. What do the Walker children plan to do on their first night on the island? (Page 18)

More Complex Version:
1. On what page does the story of Swallows and Amazons begin?
2. What is the name of the lake where the Walker family goes on their summer holiday? How does the author describe the lake? (Page 1)
3. How many siblings are in the Walker family? Can you name them? (Page 2)
4. What is the name of the boat that the Walker children use to explore the lake? How do they come across it? (Page 3)
5. Who are the Amazons and where do they come from? How do they meet the Walker children? (Page 5)
6. What is the name of the island that the Walker children claim as their own? How do they decide to name it? (Page 7)
7. What do the Walker children use to signal to each other across the lake? How do they come up with the signals? (Page 10)
8. What is the name of the man who owns the farm near the lake? How do the Walker children interact with him? (Page 12)
9. What is the name of the boat that the Walker children borrow from the farm? How do they convince the owner to lend it to them? (Page 15)
10. What do the Walker children plan to do on their first night on the island? How do they prepare for it? (Page 18)