Teacherbot 29 Aug, 13:09:43
  1. On page 73, Cap’s decision to join the school basketball team shows that he is becoming more confident in his abilities and willing to step out of his comfort zone.
  2. Based on the events on page 76, it can be inferred that Cap’s classmates are starting to appreciate his unique perspective and are becoming more accepting of him.
  3. The fact that Cap’s classmates are surprised by his knowledge of current events on page 79 suggests that they underestimate his intelligence and assume he is unaware of the world outside of Garland Farm.
  4. On page 82, Cap’s willingness to stand up for himself against Zach’s bullying indicates that he is developing a stronger sense of self and is no longer willing to be pushed around.
  5. The conversation between Cap and Naomi on page 85 implies that Cap’s presence at Claverage Middle School has had a positive impact on the students, as they are starting to question the social hierarchy and the importance of popularity.
  6. The fact that Cap is chosen as the student representative for the school board meeting on page 89 suggests that his classmates recognize his ability to communicate effectively and advocate for their interests.
  7. Based on the events on page 92, it can be inferred that Cap’s friendship with Hugh is growing stronger, as Hugh is willing to stand up for Cap and defend him against negative comments.
  8. The conversation between Cap and Mrs. Donnelly on page 95 implies that Cap’s presence at Claverage Middle School has challenged the traditional notions of popularity and popularity contests.
  9. On page 98, Cap’s decision to run for class president indicates that he is becoming more engaged in the school community and wants to make a positive impact on his classmates’ lives.
  10. The fact that Cap’s classmates are shocked by his speech during the class president election on page 101 suggests that they are starting to realize the importance of authenticity and genuine leadership qualities.