During which period did the Stuart monarchs rule? ____17th century___
Who was the first King of the Tudor dynasty? ____Henry VII___
Who was the first Stuart King? ____James I___
What was the purpose of the Act of Union? ____Unification___
Who was the official founder of the Church of England? ____Henry VIII___
What religion were the Hughite Protestants? ____Calvinist___
In what year did the English Civil War take place? ____1642___
Who was the leader of the Parliamentarians? ____Oliver Cromwell___
What title did Oliver Cromwell take for himself? ____Lord Protector___
Who was the King after Oliver Cromwell? ____Charles II___
What economic policy was implemented by the Stuart monarchs? ____Mercantilism___
What political system developed during the Stuart period? ____Absolutism___