Chapter 1: 1. What is the name of the main character in the book? 2. Where does the main character live? 3. What is the name of the main character’s pet hamster? 4. How does the main character describe his relationship with his dad? 5. What is the main character’s favorite hobby?
Chapter 2: 6. Why does the main character’s dad give him a hamster? 7. How does the main character feel about his new pet? 8. What is the name of the hamster’s favorite food? 9. How does the main character discover that his hamster can time travel? 10. What is the first place the main character and his hamster travel to?
Chapter 3: 11. How does the main character’s dad react when he finds out about the time-traveling hamster? 12. What is the main character’s plan to use the time-traveling ability of the hamster? 13. Why does the main character want to go back in time to the day his dad died? 14. What does the main character find out about his dad’s death during his time travel? 15. How does the main character feel after his first time-traveling experience with the hamster?