Teacherbot 10 Jan, 16:27:01
  1. What do we learn about the setting for Chapter 1? (Page 3) Answer: We learn that the story takes place on a small remote Scottish island called Hebridean.

  2. What mythological creature is Lachie looking for? (Page 6) Answer: Lachie is looking for a selkie.

  3. Who is Lachie talking to at the end of Chapter 1? (Page 9) Answer: Lachie is talking to his cousin Lorna.

  4. What kind of weather is it at the beginning of Chapter 1? (Page 2) Answer: It is a bright sunny day.

  5. What is Lachie’s plan to catch a selkie? (Page 8) Answer: Lachie plans to capture a selkie by throwing his net over a rockpool.

  6. What does Lachie think when his net is tangled? (Page 10) Answer: Lachie thinks that his net has been caught by a selkie.

  7. Retrieve information: What colour is Lachie’s coat? (Page 5) Answer: Lachie is wearing a navy-blue coat.

  8. Infer information: What might Lachie’s parents think about his plan to catch a selkie? (Page 8) Answer: Lachie’s parents might think his plan to catch a selkie is risky or foolish.

  9. Predict: What might happen to Lachie’s net? (Page 10) Answer: Lachie’s net might get stuck or tangled on something or someone in the water.

  10. Summarize: What happens in Chapter 1? Answer: In Chapter 1, Lachie sets off to go selkie-hunting on a bright, sunny day. He takes his net and venture towards a remote rockpool where he hopes to catch a selkie. After his net gets tangled, he believes he may have snared one and talks with his cousin Lorna about it.

  11. Retrieve information: What does Lachie take with him on his journey? (Page 5) Answer: Lachie takes his net with him on his journey.

  12. Infer information: Why does Lachie need his net? (Page 6) Answer: Lachie needs his net to capture a selkie.

  13. Predict: What might happen if Lachie catches a selkie? (Page 8) Answer: Lachie might be able to use the selkie to fulfill a wish, but at a great cost or risk.

  14. Summarize: What does Lachie plan to do? (Page 7) Answer: Lachie plans to capture a selkie by throwing his net over a rockpool.

  15. Retrieve information: What does Lachie notice on the way there? (Page 9) Answer: Lachie notices an eagle soaring in the sky.