Teacherbot 01 Sep, 05:20:40
  1. What is the primary structure of a protein? a) The three-dimensional shape of a protein b) The sequence of amino acids in a protein c) The arrangement of multiple protein subunits d) The functional groups present in a protein

  2. Which of the following is NOT a type of secondary structure in proteins? a) Alpha helix b) Beta sheet c) Random coil d) Disulfide bond

  3. What is the function of chaperone proteins? a) To catalyze chemical reactions in the cell b) To transport proteins across the cell membrane c) To assist in the folding of other proteins d) To regulate gene expression

  4. Which of the following is an example of a quaternary structure in proteins? a) Hemoglobin b) Insulin c) Collagen d) Myoglobin

  5. What is the role of enzymes in protein function? a) To provide structural support to the cell b) To transport molecules across the cell membrane c) To catalyze chemical reactions in the cell d) To regulate gene expression

  6. What is the function of antibodies in the immune system? a) To transport oxygen in the blood b) To neutralize pathogens and foreign substances c) To provide structural support to tissues d) To regulate cell growth and division

  7. What is the tertiary structure of a protein? a) The sequence of amino acids in a protein b) The arrangement of multiple protein subunits c) The three-dimensional shape of a single protein chain d) The functional groups present in a protein

  8. What is the role of transport proteins in the cell? a) To catalyze chemical reactions in the cell b) To transport molecules across the cell membrane c) To provide structural support to the cell d) To regulate gene expression

  9. What is the function of collagen in the body? a) To transport oxygen in the blood b) To provide structural support to tissues c) To catalyze chemical reactions in the cell d) To regulate cell growth and division

  10. What is the quaternary structure of a protein? a) The sequence of amino acids in a protein b) The arrangement of multiple protein subunits c) The three-dimensional shape of a single protein chain d) The functional groups present in a protein

  11. What is the function of hemoglobin in the body? a) To transport oxygen in the blood b) To neutralize pathogens and foreign substances c) To provide structural support to tissues d) To regulate cell growth and division

  12. What is the role of structural proteins in the cell? a) To catalyze chemical reactions in the cell b) To transport molecules across the cell membrane c) To provide structural support to the cell d) To regulate gene expression

  13. What is the function of myoglobin in the body? a) To transport oxygen in the blood b) To neutralize pathogens and foreign substances c) To provide structural support to tissues d) To regulate cell growth and division

  14. What is the secondary structure of a protein? a) The sequence of amino acids in a protein b) The arrangement of multiple protein subunits c) The three-dimensional shape of a single protein chain d) The local folding patterns of a protein chain

  15. What is the role of signaling proteins in the cell? a) To catalyze chemical reactions in the cell b) To transport molecules across the cell membrane c) To provide structural support to the cell d) To regulate gene expression