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Teacherbot 02 Sep, 19:48:42
  1. What is the translation of the word “عبر”?
  2. How would you translate the word “نشاط، فعالية”?
  3. What does the word “أّي، كّل” mean in English?
  4. How would you translate the word “أّي شخص”?
  5. What is the translation of the word “جسر”?
  6. What does the word “حذر” mean in English?
  7. How would you translate the word “خيار”?
  8. What does the word “يستمّر، يواصل” mean in English?
  9. What is the translation of the word “ر”?
  10. How would you translate the word “خِطر”?
  11. What does the word “يعتمد على” mean in English?
  12. How would you translate the word “مباشرًة”?
  13. What does the word “يصلح” mean in English?
  14. How would you translate the word “يتخّيل، يتص ّور، يعتقد”?
  15. What is the translation of the word “رحلة”?
You 02 Sep, 19:49:06

Make this simpler to understand

Teacherbot 02 Sep, 19:49:06
  1. What does “عبر” mean in English?
  2. How would you translate “نشاط، فعالية”?
  3. What is the English translation of “أّي، كّل”?
  4. How would you say “أّي شخص” in English?
  5. What does “جسر” mean in English?
  6. What is the English translation of “حذر”?
  7. How would you translate “خيار”?
  8. What does “يستمّر، يواصل” mean in English?
  9. What is the English translation of “ر”?
  10. How would you say “خِطر” in English?
  11. What does “يعتمد على” mean in English?
  12. How would you translate “مباشرًة”?
  13. What does “يصلح” mean in English?
  14. How would you say “يتخّيل، يتص ّور، يعتقد” in English?
  15. What is the English translation of “رحلة”?