Teacherbot 17 Jan, 19:52:40

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Inuits Active: Divide the class into 4 groups. Give each group a stack of cards with a picture of an Inuit and a fact written on it (ex.: they live in igloos). Have each group arrange the cards into a timeline and present their timeline to the rest of the class.

Written: Have the students write an essay about what they have learned about the Inuits and discuss their thoughts about the culture.

Lesson 2: Arctic Environment Active: Students can create a three-dimensional model of the Arctic environment by assembling and connecting together 3-dimensional cubes with a representation of ten different pieces of the Arctic environment (mountain, tree, lake, etc.).

Written: Write an essay about the different aspects of the Arctic environment and how it affects the lives of the Inuits.

Lesson 3: Traditions and Festivals Active: Have the students work in pairs to create a presentation on a particular Inuit tradition or festival. After the presentation, have a round table discussion about the presentations.

Written: Have the students write an essay about their thoughts on the Inuit culture and its traditions and festivals.

Lesson 4: Clothing and Clothing Styles Active: Provide the students with pictures of different Inuit garments, materials and tools used to make clothing. Divide the class into groups and have each group design a traditional Inuit clothing piece with the help of the pictures and materials.

Written: Have the students write an essay about the materials used for Inuit clothing, the techniques used to make the clothing and their thoughts on the Inuit clothing styles.

Lesson 5: Inuit Food Active: Discuss with the students the different types of food eaten by the Inuits. Have the students work together in small groups to create a traditional Inuit meal and present it in front of the class.

Written: Have the students write an essay about the different types of food eaten by the Inuits and compare it to their own everyday diet.

Lesson 6: Building an Igloo Active: Have the students build an igloo using artwork supplies, cardboard boxes and other items. They will need to discuss and plan the layout and structure of the igloo before they can start constructing it. Have each group present their igloo to the rest of the class.

Written: Have the students write an essay about their experience building an igloo and what they have learned about this particular type of architecture.