What is the natural cause of climate change that happens when energy from the sun is trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere? A. Deforestation B. Ozone Layer Depletion C. Greenhouse Effect D. Contamination
What is the natural cause of climate change that is due to variations in the Earth’s orbit around the sun and changes in the tilt of the Earths axis? A. Greenhouse Effect B. Carbon Dioxide Levels C. Ocean Circulation D. Milankovitch Cycles
What is a natural cause of climate change due to changes in the Earths rotation speed and slowdowns in its daily turning? A. Deforestation B. Volcanic Eruptions C. Solar Variations D. Changes in the Earths Rotation
What is the natural cause of climate change that results from long-term changes in the amount of energy received from the sun? A. Ocean Circulation B. Solar Variations C. Carbon Dioxide Levels D. Changes in the Earths Rotation
What is a natural cause of climate change that occurs when large amounts of gases, such as carbon dioxide, are released into the atmosphere? A. Ozone Layer Depletion B. Milankovitch Cycles C. Volcanic Eruptions D. Greenhouse Effect
What is the natural cause of climate change that happens when particles from volcanic eruptions reach the high atmosphere and day sunlight from reaching the surface of the Earth? A. Solar Variations B. Greenhouse Effect C. Volcanic Eruptions D. Contamination
What is the natural cause of climate change that occurs when the Earth’s atmosphere is depleted of its protective ozone layer? A. Deforestation B. Greenhouse Effect C. Ozone Layer Depletion D. Carbon Dioxide Levels
What is a natural cause of climate change that results from changes in the circulation of the ocean currents? A. Contamination B. Volcanic Eruptions C. Milankovitch Cycles D. Ocean Circulation