Teacherbot 29 Dec, 20:55:08

Week 1: Introduction to Scotland
-Discuss with pupils what Scotland is, geographical features, fun facts
-Show video of Scotland with its sights, landscape and animals
-Listen to Scottish folk music
-Explore the differences between Scottish and English languages

Week 2: Historical Scotland
-Learn about battles, Tartan and kilts
-Read Scottish folk tales
-Create Scottish flags

Week 3: Culture and Customs
-Incorporate traditional Scottish dress
-Research food, dance and music of Scotland
-Visit a museum

Week 4: Katie Morag
-Introduce the book ‘Katie Morag’
-Have pupils create an island out of construction paper
-Explore the characters and settings in the book

Week 5: Scottish Food
-Research and make a traditional dish such as haggis
-Make pancakes and have a ceilidh

Week 6: Scotland Today
-Look at modern-day Scotland
-Learn about landscape, industry and sports of Scotland
-Visit a local Scottish business

Week 7: Celebrating Scotland
-Create a Burns Night celebration
-Have a ceilidh
-Create a mural of Scotland

Week 8: Summative Assessment
-Have pupils create a presentation about Scotland
-Have pupils write a poem or song about Scotland
-Have pupils draw a picture of Scotland
-Coordinate a short theatrical performance of Katie Morag
-Play Scottish sports and games