Title: Navigating the Online World: Choosing a Kids Article
Objective: By the end of this lesson, Year 3 students will be able to identify and evaluate key features of a kids article online to determine its reliability and suitability for their reading.
Introduction: 1. Begin the lesson by discussing with the students the importance of choosing reliable and suitable articles when reading online. 2. Explain that in today’s lesson, they will learn how to identify and evaluate key features of a kids article to ensure it is appropriate for their reading.
Activity 1: Identifying Key Features 1. Display a sample kids article on the interactive whiteboard or distribute printed copies to each student. 2. Ask the students to read the article silently. 3. Discuss the following questions as a class: a. What is the title of the article? Does it give you an idea of what the article is about? b. Are there any headings or subheadings in the article? What do they tell you? c. Are there any images or illustrations? Do they support the information in the article? d. Is there an author mentioned? Does the author have any expertise or qualifications in the topic? e. Are there any sources or references cited in the article? Do they seem reliable?
Activity 2: Evaluating Reliability 1. Provide the students with a checklist of questions to evaluate the reliability of a kids article. For example: a. Is the article from a reputable website or source? b. Does the article provide accurate and up-to-date information? c. Are there any spelling or grammatical errors in the article? d. Does the article present a balanced view or opinion? e. Are there any advertisements or sponsored content within the article? 2. In pairs or small groups, ask the students to evaluate a different kids article using the checklist. 3. Have each group share their findings with the class, discussing whether the article is reliable or not and why.
Activity 3: Choosing Suitable Articles 1. Explain to the students that not all articles are suitable for their age group. 2. Provide a list of topics and ask the students to brainstorm what kind of information they would like to find in a kids article about each topic. 3. In pairs or small groups, ask the students to search for a kids article online related to one of the topics. 4. Have each group present their chosen article to the class, explaining why they believe it is suitable for their age group.
Conclusion: 1. Recap the key features of a kids article discussed in the lesson. 2. Emphasize the importance of choosing reliable and suitable articles when reading online. 3. Encourage the students to apply the skills they have learned when selecting articles for their future reading.