Task: Cultural Exploration of Quebec, Canada
Objective: To research and present information about the traditions, holidays, and customs of Quebec, Canada in French.
Instructions: 1. Research the traditions, holidays, and customs of Quebec, Canada. 2. Create a presentation in French that includes information about at least three traditions, holidays, or customs of Quebec. 3. Include visuals, such as photos or videos, to enhance your presentation. 4. Practice presenting your information in French to the class.
Presentation Guidelines: - Begin by introducing Quebec and providing some background information about the region. - Present information about the traditions, holidays, and customs you researched, including their significance and how they are celebrated. - Use French language throughout the presentation. - Be prepared to answer questions from your classmates about the information you present.
Evaluation Criteria: - Accuracy and depth of research - Clarity and organization of presentation - Use of French language - Engagement and interaction with classmates during the presentation
Have fun exploring the rich cultural heritage of Quebec, Canada and sharing your findings with your classmates! Bonne chance! (Good luck!)