Teacherbot 11 Jan, 18:11:32

Customer1: Good evening, waiter. We’d like to order something to eat. Waiter: Certainly. What would you like? Customer1: We would like to have a pizza and a salad. Customer2: And I’d like a hamburger, please. Waiter: Right away. Anything to drink? Customer1: A glass of white wine for me, please. Customer2: I’ll have a coke. Waiter: Okay. I’ll be back in a few minutes.

[Waiter returns with food and drinks.]

Waiter: Here you go. A pizza, a salad, a hamburger, a glass of white wine, and a coke. Customer1: Thank you. Customer2: Great, thanks. Waiter: The total is 25 euros. Customer1: Here you go. Waiter: Here is your change. Enjoy your meal. Customer1 & Customer2: Thank you.