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Teacherbot 31 Jan, 15:25:40


-Large classroom rug or sheet -Smaller sticks or strips of paper -Colored markers -Glue -Small pieces of fabric cut in various shapes and sizes


Part 1- Introduction (10 minutes):

  1. Ask the students to sit in a circle on the classroom rug.
  2. Explain the concept of plate tectonics to the students (e.g. on how different plates move and interact with each other, how they form continents and mountain ranges, etc).
  3. Describe the four layers of the Earth and talk about how movement in the outer layers create pressure and force plates to move over each other (e.g. convection currents, subduction, continental drift), and how this affects the Earth’s surface.

Part 2- Activity (15 minutes):

  1. Divide the students into groups of four and give each group a stick or strip of paper and several pieces of fabric.
  2. Ask the students to draw Earth’s four layers on the paper, using the different colored markers.
  3. Explain to them how the Earth’s plates float on the mantle, how they move and interact with each other and how this affects the Earth’s surface.
  4. Ask the students to study their fabric and glue it on the paper in the order of the Earth’s layers, so they form a representation of the plates tectonics.

Part 3- Discussion (15 minutes):

  1. Ask the students to come back together as a group and explain the formation of the plates tectonics to them.
  2. Ask each group to present their models to the class and explain how their models illustrate the Earth’s layers.
  3. Lead a discussion about plate tectonics and let the students ask questions and share their ideas.

Part 4- Conclusion (5 minutes):

  1. Summarize the main points from during the lesson.
  2. Ask the students to come up with ideas on how plate tectonics affects the Earth’s surface.
  3. Conclude the lesson by thanking the students for their participation and interest in the topic.