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Teacherbot 17 Jan, 19:54:45

Active Task:

  1. Divide the class into two groups – one to represent Arctic and the other representing Antarctica.
  2. Assign roles to two students in each group – one student to be the spokesperson and the other to record the information.
  3. Ask student to research their respective assigned area – Arctic and Antarctica.
  4. Ask students to come up with three or four differences between the two polar regions.
  5. Give students some time to research the polar regions and come back to the class – they could use books, internet, articles, etc. to carry out their research.
  6. Ask each group to present their findings in the form a presentation – with the help of diagrams, pictures, etc.
  7. After the presentations, ask students to come up with a summary of the differences between the two regions.

Written Task:

  1. Ask the students to create a written report providing a comparison between the Arctic and Antarctica region.
  2. Ask students to provide details about the temperature, the physical makeup of the land, type of animal life and types of plants, etc. in both polar regions.
  3. Ask students to come up with three or four differences between the two polar regions.
  4. Ask the students to create a diagram representing their findings
  5. Ask students to summarise their findings and observations in a conclusion statement.