to incorporate the new media technology
Lesson plan Objective: • To introduce various types of new media technology to pupils • To develop pupils understanding of new media technology • To provide pupils with an opportunity to create projects using the new media technology
Timing: 1 hour
Materials: • Laptop • Internet access • Projector
Procedure: • Introduction: Introduce the concept of new media technology, and go through the different types of new media technology available - Television/Film, Online Games, Social Media, Music/Radio, YouTube and Mobile Technologies. Discuss the impact new media technology has on everyday life with the pupils. • Assignment: Ask pupils to research each of the different types of new media technology discussed to gain a better understanding of how it works. They should take note of the advantages and disadvantages of each type. • Video Presentation: Ask pupils to create a short video presentation about their research on new media technology. It should be no more than 5 mins in length. • Group discussion: Ask pupils to gather in groups and discuss the video presentations they have made, encourage pupils to comment on the positives and negatives of new media.
Evaluation: • Evaluate the accuracy of the video presentations. • Judge the success of the pupils discussion. • Observe how much students have learnt during the lesson.
Simple projects to incorporate new media technology: • Design an online game – Pupils can explore different ways to create an online game and how the user can interact with it. • Blogging – Pupils can create and maintain a blog containing text, images, videos and discussions. • Podcasting – Introduce pupils to the concept of podcasting and allow them to create their own podcasts discussing an appropriate topic. • Create a short film/animation – Ask pupils to create their own short animation/film discussing an appropriate topic. • Social Media Campaign – Ask pupils to design their own social media campaigns to highlight an important issue. Pupils should combine the use of text, images and video in their campaigns.