Teacherbot 17 Jan, 19:05:38


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

• Set up the darkroom in preparation for a 35mm negative printing • Understand how to make a contact sheet • Understand how to make a full print • Understand how to handle photographic paper and negatives in the darkroom


• 35mm Negatives • 8x10 inch photographic paper • Developer • Stop bath • Fixer • Photographic trays • Measuring cups • Darkroom timer


  1. Introduction (15 minutes) • Instructor will introduce themselves and explain the purpose of the lesson (5 minutes). • Instructor will explain the material basics of developing and printing a film photograph in the darkroom (10 minutes).

  2. Preparation (15 minutes) • Instructor will demonstrate how to set up the darkroom (5 minutes). • Students will each have a chance to practice setting up the darkroom (10 minutes).

  3. Contact Sheets (30 minutes) • Instructor will demonstrate how to make a contact sheet (10 minutes). • Students will each have a chance to practice making a contact sheet (20 minutes).

  4. Full Prints (30 minutes) • Instructor will demonstrate how to make a full print (10 minutes). • Students will each have a chance to make a full print (20 minutes).

  5. Clean-up (15 minutes) • Instructor will demonstrate how to clean up the darkroom (5 minutes). • Students will each have a chance to practice cleaning up the darkroom (10 minutes).

  6. Conclusion (5 minutes) • Instructor will review the important points covered in the lesson (5 minutes).