Topic: Exploring Tattoo’s in an Adult Advanced Conversation Based ESL Class
Objective: Learners will be able to identify the purposes for tattoos, discuss opinions about them, review the use of adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs, and understand a contextualized paragraph about tattoo’s.
Materials: White board, markers/eraser, handouts, English-Spanish dictionary
Warm-up: Ask learners to share any tattoos they have and explain the personal meaning or story behind them.
- Discussion: Pose the following questions to the class:
- Do you think tattoos should be seen as a form of self-expression?
Are there any personal reasons/motivations for getting tattoos?
Vocabulary: Present the following words to introduce tattoo related vocabulary: • Sketcher (noun): A person who designs tattoos • Phenomenon (noun): An occurrence or fact that is perceptible by the senses • Grandiose (adjective): Impressive because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect, or grandeur • Elaborate (adverb): In much detail • Express (verb): To show something explicitly
Inferring: Read the following paragraph to the class: “Tattooing is a whole phenomenon that has been growing in popularity over the past years. Those who practice this art work in an elaborate way to express their passion for drawing and for body modification. A sketcher has usually gone through an apprenticeship in which he or she learned all of the techniques to design tattoos.” Ask learners to make any observations or inferences from the text to promote critical thinking.
Grammar: Provide the class with a handout that reviews the different parts of speech. Ask learners to underline the adjectives, adverbs, verbs, and nouns from the text. Review key points from the handout as needed.
- Wrap-up: Ask learners to share any insights or final thoughts on the topic.
Closure: Invite learners to share any tattoos they may have or their thoughts on the topic. Explain how to correctly pronounce the vocabulary words discussed throughout the lesson.
Learning Target: At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to identify the purposes for tattoos, discuss opinions about them, review the use of adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs, and understand a contextualized paragraph about tattoo’s.