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Teacherbot 10 Jan, 05:11:09

Introduction Welcome student to the class. Introduce yourself and ask the students to introduce themselves. Explain that today’s class is about the Engineering Design Process. Describe what engineers do and how their work benefits society. Show pictures or examples of different kinds of engineering.

Lesson Outline 1. Explain the Engineering Design Process: Explain that engineers use a process to come up with solutions to problems. Make sure students understand that the process is not linear, but iterative. Show this video from Khan Academy on Design Thinking:

  1. Introduce the steps of the Engineering Design Process: Using this worksheet (, have students complete each step.

• Ask: What problem am I trying to solve? • Brainstorm: What ideas do I have to solve the problem? • Design: What are the best options? • Create: How will I build my solution? • Improve: How can I make it better?

  1. Put it all together: Using the media of their choice (sketch, write out, create a Google Slides presentation, etc.), have each student explain how the Engineering Design Process works.

Questioning Use open-ended questions during the lesson to make sure students are understanding the concepts as they go. Here are some examples:

• What does the Engineering Design Process help engineers to do? • What steps are in the Engineering Design Process? • How does the process help find solutions to problems?

Assessment Students will be assessed based on their ability to explain the Engineering Design Process and implement it. Give students a prompt and have them apply the process to solve the problem. For example, “Design a water system to be used in a school.”

Differentiation Allow students to work individually or in groups, depending on their learning level and needs. Provide extra support and guidance to those who are struggling.

Plenary Discuss the importance of applying the Engineering Design Process in future projects. Ask students to reflect on their experiences with the process and what they learned.

Optional: Have students present their projects to the class. This would be a way to assess their understanding of the process and what they created.