Teacherbot 02 Sep, 01:19:00

A. References: 1. Teacher’s Guide Pages: Pages 10-15 2. Learner’s Materials Pages: Pages 20-25 3. Textbook Pages: Pages 30-35 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal: Academic texts from various disciplines

B. Other Learning Resources: 1. Internet access for research 2. Flyer templates or graphic design software

B. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson: - Begin the lesson by reviewing the concept of academic texts and their importance in various disciplines. - Ask students to recall examples of academic texts they have encountered in their previous lessons.

C. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson: - Explain to students that the objective of the lesson is to differentiate the language used in academic texts from various disciplines. - Emphasize the importance of understanding the specific language and terminology used in different academic fields.

D. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson: - Provide students with a variety of academic texts from different disciplines, such as a scientific research paper, a literary analysis, a historical document, and a mathematical proof. - Discuss the unique language and vocabulary used in each text and how it relates to the specific discipline.

E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1: - Engage students in a class discussion about the language features they observed in the different academic texts. - Ask students to identify specific examples of discipline-specific vocabulary, technical terms, and formal language used in the texts. - Encourage students to compare and contrast the language used in different disciplines.

F. Developing Mastery: - Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific academic discipline (e.g., science, literature, history, mathematics). - In their groups, students will research and analyze academic texts from their assigned discipline, focusing on the language used. - Each group will create a flyer that highlights the unique language features of their assigned discipline.

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living: - Have each group present their flyer to the class, explaining the language features they identified and how they are specific to their assigned discipline. - Encourage class discussion and reflection on how understanding the language of academic texts can be beneficial in various real-life situations, such as reading scientific articles or analyzing literature.

H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson: - Lead a class discussion on the generalizations and abstractions that can be made about the language used in academic texts across different disciplines. - Help students understand that while there are common features, each discipline also has its own unique language and terminology.

I. Evaluating Learning: - Assess students’ understanding of the lesson objective by reviewing their group flyers and their ability to explain the language features of their assigned discipline. - Provide feedback and guidance for improvement if necessary.

J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation: - Assign students to individually research and analyze an academic text from a discipline of their choice. - Have students write a short reflection on the language features they identified and how they relate to the discipline. - Encourage students to share their reflections with the class for further discussion and learning.