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Teacherbot 02 Sep, 01:22:11

A. Learning Objectives: - Differentiate language used in academic texts from various disciplines - Present a flyer that demonstrates understanding of the language used in academic texts

B. References: 1. Teacher’s Guide Pages: Pages 10-15 2. Learner’s Materials Pages: Pages 20-25 3. Textbook Pages: Pages 30-35 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal: Academic text samples from various disciplines

C. Other Learning Resources: - Computers or laptops with internet access - Flyer templates or graphic design software

D. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson: - Review the concept of academic texts and their importance in various disciplines. - Introduce the objective of the lesson: to differentiate language used in academic texts from various disciplines.

E. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson: - Discuss the importance of understanding the language used in academic texts from different disciplines. - Explain that students will be creating a flyer that demonstrates their understanding of the language used in academic texts.

F. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson: - Provide examples of academic texts from different disciplines such as science, history, literature, and mathematics. - Analyze the language used in each example and discuss how it differs based on the discipline.

G. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1: - Introduce key vocabulary and language features commonly found in academic texts. - Engage students in a discussion about the differences in language used in different disciplines.

H. Developing Mastery: - Divide students into groups and assign each group a specific discipline. - In their groups, students will research and gather information about the language used in academic texts within their assigned discipline. - Students will create a flyer that showcases the language features and vocabulary specific to their assigned discipline.

I. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living: - Have students present their flyers to the class, explaining the language features and vocabulary they included. - Discuss how understanding the language used in academic texts can be beneficial in various real-life situations, such as reading scientific articles or analyzing historical documents.

J. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson: - Lead a class discussion on the similarities and differences in the language used across different disciplines. - Encourage students to make generalizations about the language features and vocabulary used in academic texts.

K. Evaluating Learning: - Assess students’ understanding of the language used in academic texts through their flyer presentations. - Provide feedback and guidance for improvement.

L. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation: - Assign students to read academic texts from different disciplines and identify the language features and vocabulary used. - Have students create a glossary of discipline-specific terms and their definitions.

You 02 Sep, 01:31:21

Make this simpler to understand

Teacherbot 02 Sep, 01:31:21

A. Learning Objectives: - Understand the language used in academic texts from different disciplines. - Create a flyer that demonstrates understanding of the language used in academic texts.

B. References: 1. Teacher’s Guide Pages: Pages 10-15 2. Learner’s Materials Pages: Pages 20-25 3. Textbook Pages: Pages 30-35 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal: Academic text samples from various disciplines

C. Other Learning Resources: - Computers or laptops with internet access - Flyer templates or graphic design software

D. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson: - Recap why academic texts are important in different subjects. - Explain that today’s lesson is about understanding the language used in academic texts.

E. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson: - Discuss why it’s important to understand the language used in academic texts from different disciplines. - Explain that students will create a flyer to show their understanding of this language.

F. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson: - Show examples of academic texts from different subjects like science, history, literature, and math. - Talk about how the language used in each subject is different.

G. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1: - Teach key vocabulary and language features found in academic texts. - Have a class discussion about the differences in language across different subjects.

H. Developing Mastery: - Divide students into groups and assign each group a subject. - In their groups, students will research and gather information about the language used in academic texts for their assigned subject. - Students will create a flyer that shows the language features and vocabulary specific to their subject.

I. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living: - Have students present their flyers to the class, explaining the language features and vocabulary they included. - Discuss how understanding academic language can be helpful in real-life situations, like reading scientific articles or analyzing historical documents.

J. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson: - Lead a class discussion on the similarities and differences in language across different subjects. - Encourage students to make generalizations about the language used in academic texts.

K. Evaluating Learning: - Assess students’ understanding of academic language through their flyer presentations. - Provide feedback and guidance for improvement.

L. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation: - Assign students to read academic texts from different subjects and identify the language features and vocabulary used. - Have students create a glossary of subject-specific terms and their definitions.