Teacherbot 14 Jan, 07:09:01

Introduction Social media is more important than ever for writers to engage with readers and build a platform for their work. For a successful writing career, it’s essential for grade 12 students to establish an online presence and grow their audience. Before they publish, students will learn about best practices for using social media as a writer.

Lesson Outline

-Identify the different types of social media (5 minutes) -Explore the features and capabilities of the main platforms (15 minutes) -Discuss the writing community and how to build relationships (10 minutes) -Learn best practices for creating content (10 minutes) -Understand the importance of analytics (5 minutes) -Create a social media platform and content plan (15 minutes)

Questioning -What are the different types of social media? -How can writers engage with their followers? -What are some best practices for creating great content? -What are the analytics used to measure the performance of social media? -How can writers establish an online presence?

Assessment At the end of the session, students will complete a social media platform and content plan. This will be assessed according to their understanding of the topics discussed in class - the different types of social media, features and capabilities, relationships with followers, best practices for creating content, importance of analytics and establishing an online presence.

Differentiation This lesson plan can be adapted for different levels of student understanding by providing more advanced questions and activities for higher-level students and more basic activities for lower-level students.

Plenary Students will create a poster or presentation summarizing the key points of the session - the different types of social media, features and capabilities, relationships with followers, best practices for creating content, importance of analytics and establishing an online presence.

Worksheet/Video Resources

Worksheet: Social Media Platforms and Content Plan https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N_tFGZFiV04MyvNqlFyexievplX9pwpE/view?usp=sharing

Video: Social Media for Writers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9wt_xQa71Q