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Teacherbot 18 Aug, 09:52:33

Grade: 3rd

Subject: Science

Topic: Investigating how liquids and solids respond to changes in temperature

Objective: Students will be able to understand and explain how liquids and solids respond to changes in temperature.

Materials: - Thermometer - Hot water - Ice cubes - Various liquids (water, oil, vinegar, etc.) - Various solids (chocolate, crayons, ice cream, etc.) - Cups or containers for liquids - Worksheets or graphic organizers for recording observations


  1. Introduction (10 minutes) a. Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever noticed how some things change when they get hot or cold. b. Show them a thermometer and explain that it measures temperature. c. Ask students to share examples of things that change when they get hot or cold.

  2. Predictions (5 minutes) a. Divide the class into small groups. b. Give each group a worksheet or graphic organizer to record their observations. c. Ask students to predict what will happen to different liquids and solids when they are heated or cooled. d. Have each group share their predictions with the class.

  3. Experiment 1: Liquids (15 minutes) a. Fill three cups with different liquids (e.g., water, oil, vinegar). b. Measure and record the initial temperature of each liquid. c. Place one cup in hot water, one cup in room temperature water, and one cup in ice water. d. After a few minutes, measure and record the temperature of each liquid again. e. Have students observe and record any changes they notice in the liquids.

  4. Experiment 2: Solids (15 minutes) a. Provide each group with different solids (e.g., chocolate, crayons, ice cream). b. Measure and record the initial temperature of each solid. c. Place one solid in a warm place, one solid in a cool place, and one solid in the freezer. d. After a few minutes, measure and record the temperature of each solid again. e. Have students observe and record any changes they notice in the solids.

  5. Discussion and Conclusion (10 minutes) a. Bring the class back together and discuss the observations made during the experiments. b. Ask students to share their findings and explain how liquids and solids responded to changes in temperature. c. Summarize the main points and emphasize that temperature can cause changes in the properties of liquids and solids. d. Conclude the lesson by asking students to reflect on what they have learned and how it connects to their everyday lives.

  6. Extension Activity (optional) a. Have students conduct additional experiments at home or in small groups to further explore the effects of temperature on liquids and solids. b. Encourage them to record their observations and share their findings with the class in the next lesson.

Assessment: - Observe students’ participation and engagement during the experiments and discussions. - Review students’ worksheets or graphic organizers to assess their understanding of how liquids and solids respond to changes in temperature. - Ask students to explain their findings and connections to real-life examples during the conclusion discussion.