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Teacherbot 27 Aug, 20:54:18

Lesson Plan: Pangea

Grade Level: 4th and 5th grade

Subject: Earth Science

Duration: 60 minutes

Objective: Students will understand the concept of Pangea, the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago, and its impact on the Earth’s landforms and the distribution of fossils.

Materials: - World map or globe - Pangea map (print or display on a projector) - Video resources (links provided below) - Worksheet (link provided below) - Colored pencils or markers - Chart paper and markers

Introduction: 1. Begin the lesson by showing the students a world map or globe. Ask them if they notice anything interesting about the shapes of the continents. 2. Explain that millions of years ago, the continents were not in their current positions. They were once part of a supercontinent called Pangea. 3. Show the students a map of Pangea and explain that it was formed about 300 million years ago and started breaking apart around 200 million years ago. 4. Ask the students to imagine what the Earth would have looked like when all the continents were connected.

Lesson Outline: 1. Present the concept of Pangea (10 minutes) - Show the students a map of Pangea and explain its formation and breakup. - Use a globe or world map to show the current positions of the continents. - Discuss the idea that the continents are still moving today, but very slowly.

  1. Video: “Pangea: The Supercontinent” (15 minutes)
    • Show the video to the students, which provides an animated explanation of Pangea’s formation and breakup.
    • Pause the video at key points to ask questions and check for understanding.
    • Video link: []
  2. Worksheet Activity: “Pangea Puzzle” (20 minutes)
    • Distribute the worksheet to each student.
    • Instruct the students to color and cut out the continents from the worksheet.
    • Have the students work individually or in pairs to assemble the continents back into the Pangea shape.
    • Encourage the students to discuss and compare their Pangea puzzles with their peers.
    • Worksheet link: [Provide a link to a printable worksheet or create your own]

Questioning and Assessment: 1. During the video and worksheet activity, ask the following questions to assess understanding: - What was Pangea? - How did Pangea break apart? - What evidence supports the theory of Pangea? - How does the movement of continents affect the Earth’s landforms and the distribution of fossils?

  1. Observe students’ participation and engagement during the lesson and provide feedback accordingly.

Differentiation: 1. For students who need additional support, provide a simplified version of the worksheet with fewer continents to assemble. 2. For advanced students, encourage them to research and present additional information about Pangea, such as the names of the individual continents that made up Pangea.

Plenary: 1. Gather the students together and ask them to share one interesting fact they learned about Pangea. 2. Summarize the key points of the lesson on chart paper, highlighting the formation and breakup of Pangea. 3. Encourage students to reflect on how the concept of Pangea helps us understand the Earth’s history and the distribution of landforms and fossils today.

Video Resources: 1. “Pangea: The Supercontinent” - []

Worksheet Resource: 1. Pangea Puzzle Worksheet - [Provide a link to a printable worksheet or create your own]