Lesson Plan: Writing - Handwriting Practice
Topic: Handwriting Practice - Cursive ‘va, we, wo’
Curriculum Area: Languages
Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes: - LIT 1-24a: I can present my writing in a way that will make it legible and attractive for my reader, combining words, images and other features.
Learning Intentions: - To practice and improve handwriting skills in cursive writing for the letters ‘va, we, wo’. - To present written work in a legible and attractive manner.
Success Criteria: - I can write the letters ‘va, we, wo’ in cursive handwriting. - I can present my written work neatly and attractively.
Resources: - Whiteboard and markers - Handwriting worksheets with ‘va, we, wo’ in cursive - Pencils and erasers - Colored markers or pencils for decorating written work
Introduction (10 minutes): 1. Begin the lesson by discussing the importance of neat and legible handwriting. 2. Show examples of cursive ‘va, we, wo’ on the whiteboard. 3. Explain that today we will be practicing these letters in cursive handwriting.
Main Activity (30 minutes): 1. Distribute the handwriting worksheets with ‘va, we, wo’ in cursive to each student. 2. Demonstrate how to properly form each letter on the whiteboard. 3. Allow students time to practice writing the letters on their worksheets. 4. Circulate around the room to provide assistance and feedback as needed. 5. Encourage students to focus on neatness and consistency in their handwriting.
Plenary (10 minutes): 1. Have students share their written work with the class. 2. Discuss what makes their writing legible and attractive. 3. Encourage students to use colored markers or pencils to decorate their written work and make it more visually appealing. 4. Review the importance of presenting written work in a neat and attractive manner.
Extension Activity: - Challenge students to write a short sentence or paragraph using the letters ‘va, we, wo’ in cursive handwriting. Encourage them to focus on presentation and creativity in their writing.
Assessment: - Observe students’ handwriting during the main activity to assess their ability to write ‘va, we, wo’ in cursive neatly and legibly. - Review students’ written work during the plenary to assess their ability to present their writing in an attractive manner.
Reflection: - At the end of the lesson, ask students to reflect on their handwriting practice and identify areas for improvement. Encourage them to continue practicing cursive writing at home.