Title: Understanding Mercantilism - A Lesson Plan for 5th Grade
Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to define and explain the concept of mercantilism, understand its impact on European colonization, and identify key characteristics of mercantilist policies.
Materials: - Whiteboard or chart paper - Markers - Printed handouts with key terms and definitions - World map or globe - Colored pencils or markers - Internet access (optional)
Introduction (10 minutes) a. Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever heard the term “mercantilism” before. Allow a brief discussion. b. Explain that mercantilism was an economic system that dominated Europe during the 16th to 18th centuries and played a significant role in shaping European colonization. c. Share the objective of the lesson with the students.
Key Terms (10 minutes) a. Distribute printed handouts with key terms related to mercantilism (e.g., mercantilism, colonies, exports, imports, balance of trade). b. Ask students to read the definitions silently and highlight or underline any unfamiliar terms. c. Go through each term together, explaining their meanings and providing examples if necessary.
Mercantilism and Colonization (15 minutes) a. Display a world map or globe and point out the major European colonial powers during the time of mercantilism (e.g., England, France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands). b. Discuss how these countries established colonies around the world to exploit resources and create wealth for their mother countries. c. Explain that mercantilism aimed to maximize exports and minimize imports to ensure a favorable balance of trade, which would bring wealth and power to the colonizing country. d. Engage students in a brief discussion about the motivations behind European colonization and the impact it had on indigenous populations.
Characteristics of Mercantilism (15 minutes) a. Divide the students into small groups and provide each group with a large sheet of paper and markers. b. Assign each group one characteristic of mercantilism (e.g., tariffs, subsidies, monopolies, bullionism). c. Instruct the groups to create a poster illustrating their assigned characteristic, including a definition and examples. d. Allow time for groups to present their posters to the class, explaining their characteristic and its significance in the context of mercantilism.
Wrap-up and Reflection (10 minutes) a. Summarize the main points covered in the lesson, emphasizing the impact of mercantilism on European colonization and the key characteristics of the economic system. b. Ask students to reflect on the lesson by answering the following questions in their notebooks:
- Why do you think mercantilism was a popular economic system during the time of European colonization?
- How do you think mercantilism affected the indigenous populations in the colonized regions? c. Allow a few students to share their responses with the class, fostering a brief discussion.
Extension Activity (Optional): For advanced students or as a homework assignment, encourage them to research and write a short paragraph about a specific mercantilist policy (e.g., Navigation Acts, Treaty of Tordesillas) and its impact on European colonization.
Assessment: - Observe students’ participation during class discussions and group activities. - Review students’ completed handouts to assess their understanding of key terms. - Evaluate students’ posters and presentations to assess their comprehension of mercantilist characteristics. - Assess students’ written reflections for their ability to connect the concepts learned and think critically about the impact of mercantilism.