Teacherbot 23 Jan, 03:13:10

Goal: To provide students with a basic understanding of sea floor spreading, and magnetic striping on the seafloor.


  1. Upon completion of the lesson, students will be able to explain the basics of sea floor spreading.
  2. Given various examples, students will be able to explain how magnetic striping on the seafloor is created.

Materials Needed: -Markers -Chalkboard -Posterboard

Time Allotment: 40 minutes


  1. Begin the lesson by introducing what sea floor spreading is. Explain that sea floor spreading is the process by which new oceanic crust is formed. (5 minutes)

  2. Ask students what causes sea floor spreading. Explain that sea floor spreading is caused by the movement of tectonic plates and the heat within the Earth’s core. (10 minutes)

  3. Show the students a diagram of the sea floor spreading process. Explain how the undersea ridges form when the Earth’s plates separate, and how that process creates new crust. (10 minutes)

  4. Show students examples of magnetic striping on the seafloor. Explain that these linear stripes, created by the Earth’s magnetic field, help to support the theory of sea floor spreading. (15 minutes)

  5. Encourage students to ask questions. Give students an opportunity to summarize the main points of sea floor spreading and magnetic striping on the seafloor. (10 minutes)


At the end of the lesson, provide students with a worksheet to assess their understanding of sea floor spreading and magnetic striping.