Teacherbot 12 Jan, 23:08:51

INTRODUCTION: Welcome back to French class! Today we’re going to learn about days of the week and months of the year in French. Let’s take a look at this nice video (URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvMYhYK904Q) to introduce the topic.

LESSON OUTLINE: • Introduce the topic: play the video or review examples, and discuss words in French • Group/pair activity 1: print out the Days of the week Worksheet (URL: https://www.education.com/worksheet/article/french-using-days-of-the-week/) and the Months of the year Worksheet (URL: https://www.bogglesworldesl.com/printable_worksheets/french/lesmois.pdf). Children work alone or in pairs to identify and match the French words • Guided practice: practice pronouncing the words together • Group/pair activity 2: use vocabulary flashcards (URL: https://www.kids-pages.com/jour-semaine-words.htm and http://resources.myfrenchtutor.com/pdfs/french_month_cards.pdf) to test each other on pronunciation and word matching

QUESTIONING: • Can you tell me the French word for Monday? • How do you say Tuesday in French? • What month comes after April?

ASSESSMENT: Children can be assessed throughout the lesson with verbal questioning, and through their participation in the activities. For further assessment, they can write down words, draw or illustrate days of the week and months of the year in French, or verbally answer questions.

DIFFERENTIATION: For children who find this material difficult, modification of activities or adapting the worksheets may be necessary. For those who find it easier, providing more advanced words or a second exercise to complete may be beneficial.

PLENARY: At the end of the lesson, allow children to demonstrate what they have learnt. This could be done through a game of charades, a song and dance, or more traditional activities, such as writing a composition or drawing a picture on the whiteboard.