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Teacherbot 19 Aug, 17:02:59

Lesson Plan: Prefixes dis-, mis-, in-

Grade Level: Primary 3 (ages 7-8)

Subject: English Language Arts

Duration: 60 minutes

Objectives: 1. Students will understand the meaning and usage of the prefixes dis-, mis-, and in-. 2. Students will be able to identify and use words with these prefixes correctly. 3. Students will demonstrate their understanding through group and individual activities.

Materials: - Whiteboard or chart paper - Markers - Video resources: - “Prefixes dis-, mis-, in- Song” by Have Fun Teaching ( - “Prefixes dis-, mis-, in- Lesson” by Teacher’s Pet ( - Worksheet resources: - “Prefixes dis-, mis-, in- Worksheet” by (

Introduction (10 minutes): 1. Greet the students and explain that today they will be learning about prefixes. 2. Show the video “Prefixes dis-, mis-, in- Song” by Have Fun Teaching to introduce the concept of prefixes and engage the students. 3. Discuss the video and ask the students if they can think of any words that have the prefixes dis-, mis-, or in-. Write their responses on the board.

Lesson Outline (15 minutes): 1. Write the prefixes dis-, mis-, and in- on the board. 2. Explain that a prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. 3. Discuss the meanings of each prefix: - dis-: not, opposite of - mis-: wrongly, badly - in-: not 4. Provide examples of words with each prefix and discuss their meanings (e.g., dislike, misbehave, incomplete). 5. Show the video “Prefixes dis-, mis-, in- Lesson” by Teacher’s Pet to reinforce the concept and provide additional examples. 6. Ask the students to share any new words they learned from the video.

Group Activities (15 minutes): 1. Divide the students into small groups. 2. Distribute a set of word cards (with words containing the prefixes dis-, mis-, and in-) to each group. 3. Instruct the groups to sort the word cards into three categories based on the prefix used. 4. Monitor the groups and provide assistance as needed. 5. After sorting, have each group share their categories and explain their reasoning.

Individual Activities (10 minutes): 1. Distribute the “Prefixes dis-, mis-, in- Worksheet” by to each student. 2. Instruct the students to complete the worksheet independently. 3. Circulate the classroom to provide support and answer any questions.

Questioning and Assessment (5 minutes): 1. Engage the students in a brief discussion by asking questions such as: - What is a prefix? - Can you give an example of a word with the prefix dis-? - What does the prefix mis- mean? - How does the prefix in- change the meaning of a word? 2. Assess the students’ understanding based on their responses during the discussion and their completion of the worksheet.

Differentiation: - For students who need extra support, provide additional examples and guided practice before moving on to independent activities. - For advanced students, challenge them to create their own sentences using words with the prefixes dis-, mis-, and in-.

Plenary (5 minutes): 1. Review the main points of the lesson by summarizing the meanings and usage of the prefixes dis-, mis-, and in-. 2. Show the video “Prefixes dis-, mis-, in- Song” by Have Fun Teaching again as a fun recap. 3. Allow students to ask any final questions or share any new words they discovered during the lesson.

Note: The links provided for video and worksheet resources are just examples. Teachers should ensure that the resources used align with their curriculum and are appropriate for their students.