Teacherbot 20 Aug, 04:18:58

Lesson Plan: Teaching Persuasive Writing for Grade 6

Objective: Students will be able to effectively write a persuasive essay by using persuasive techniques and providing strong evidence to support their arguments.

Materials: - Whiteboard or chart paper - Markers - Handouts with persuasive writing prompts - Exemplars of persuasive essays


  1. Introduction (10 minutes): a. Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever tried to convince someone to do or believe something. Discuss their experiences and the strategies they used. b. Explain that today, they will be learning how to write persuasive essays, which are essays that aim to convince the reader to agree with their point of view. c. Share the objective of the lesson and explain the importance of persuasive writing in everyday life.

  2. Understanding Persuasive Techniques (15 minutes): a. Introduce and define common persuasive techniques such as emotional appeal, logical appeal, and credibility. b. Provide examples of each technique and discuss how they can be used effectively in persuasive writing. c. Engage students in a brief discussion about the impact of persuasive techniques on the reader.

  3. Analyzing Exemplars (20 minutes): a. Distribute exemplars of persuasive essays to each student. b. Instruct students to read the essays and identify the persuasive techniques used by highlighting or underlining them. c. After reading, facilitate a class discussion to analyze the exemplars. Ask students to share their findings and discuss the effectiveness of the techniques used. d. Emphasize the importance of providing strong evidence to support arguments and ask students to identify the evidence used in the exemplars.

  4. Brainstorming and Outlining (15 minutes): a. Provide students with a persuasive writing prompt or allow them to choose their own topic. b. Instruct students to brainstorm arguments and evidence to support their chosen position. c. Encourage students to use the persuasive techniques discussed earlier in their arguments. d. Once students have brainstormed, guide them in creating an outline for their essay, ensuring they have a clear introduction, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, and a conclusion.

  5. Writing the Persuasive Essay (30 minutes): a. Instruct students to use their outlines to write their persuasive essays. b. Circulate the classroom to provide individual support and guidance as needed. c. Remind students to use persuasive techniques and provide strong evidence to support their arguments. d. Encourage students to revise and edit their essays for clarity, coherence, and grammar.

  6. Sharing and Peer Feedback (15 minutes): a. Allow students to share their essays with a partner or in small groups. b. Instruct students to provide constructive feedback to their peers, focusing on the use of persuasive techniques and the strength of the evidence provided. c. Encourage students to revise their essays based on the feedback received.

  7. Conclusion (5 minutes): a. Recap the main points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of persuasive writing skills. b. Encourage students to continue practicing persuasive writing in their daily lives. c. Provide positive feedback and praise for their efforts.

Exemplars: - Exemplar 1: “Why Students Should Have Longer Lunch Breaks” - Exemplar 2: “The Benefits of Reading for Pleasure” - Exemplar 3: “Why Recycling is Essential for a Sustainable Future”

Note: The exemplars can be sourced from various online platforms or created by the teacher based on relevant topics.