By the end of the lesson, students will be able to comprehend the life and works of Robert Burns as well as compose a poem in his style.
Materials: -Information sheets and slides on Robert Burns -Poetry samples -Meter chart
Lesson Plan:
Introduction (10 minutes): - Introduce Robert Burns and provide information on his life, such as his major works, birth and death dates, and how he is commemorated yearly. - Ask students open-ended questions about Burns to check for understanding, such as “What do you know about Robert Burns and what does his poetry mean to you?”
Meter (15 minutes): - Explain the concept of iambic meter and provide examples from Burns’ works. - Provide a meter chart for students to practice and use for the upcoming activity.
Writing Activity (30 minutes): - Explain to students that they are going to compose their very own Robert Burns-style poem. - They should aim to use iambic meter and Burns’ frequently used phrases and imagery. - Students can choose to write an original poem or they can choose a famous Burns poem and recreate it as closely as possible. - Provide a sample of Burns’ works for further reference.
Reflection (10 minutes): -Have the students share their works and discuss the meaning of Burns’ poems and how they were relevant in his time. - Ask students what they learned and how they think Burns’ poetry can be applied to life today.
Closure: - Provide a summary of the lesson and remind students of the learning objectives. - Explain the importance of Robert Burns and his legacy.