Title: Developing Speaking and Listening Skills through Instruction and Information Texts
Grade Level: Year 7
Objective: - Students will develop their speaking and listening skills by engaging in activities related to instruction and information texts. - Students will be able to effectively communicate instructions and information to their peers. - Students will practice active listening skills by following instructions and extracting key information from texts.
Materials: - Various instruction and information texts (e.g., recipes, how-to guides, informational articles) - Whiteboard or chart paper - Markers - Timer - Index cards or slips of paper
Introduction (10 minutes) a. Begin the lesson by discussing the importance of effective communication skills in everyday life. b. Explain that today’s lesson will focus on developing speaking and listening skills through instruction and information texts. c. Share the objectives of the lesson with the students.
Warm-up Activity: “Simon Says” (10 minutes) a. Play a round of “Simon Says” to warm up the students’ listening skills. b. Emphasize the importance of carefully listening to instructions and following them accurately.
Instruction Texts Activity: “Recipe Relay” (20 minutes) a. Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students. b. Provide each group with a recipe (e.g., chocolate chip cookies, fruit salad) and a set of ingredients. c. Explain that each group will take turns reading and following the instructions to prepare the recipe. d. Set a timer for 5 minutes and instruct the groups to complete as many steps as possible within the given time. e. After the time is up, have each group present their progress and discuss any challenges they faced. f. Facilitate a class discussion on the importance of clear and concise instructions.
Information Texts Activity: “Informational Article Presentation” (25 minutes) a. Assign each student an informational article on a topic of interest (e.g., space exploration, endangered species). b. Instruct the students to read and extract key information from their assigned articles. c. Provide index cards or slips of paper to each student and ask them to write down three important facts from their article. d. Divide the class into pairs and have the students take turns presenting their facts to their partner. e. Encourage active listening by instructing the listeners to ask follow-up questions or seek clarification. f. After the presentations, facilitate a class discussion on the importance of active listening and summarizing information.
Reflection and Conclusion (5 minutes) a. Ask the students to reflect on what they have learned about speaking and listening skills during the lesson. b. Discuss any challenges they faced and strategies they used to overcome them. c. Summarize the key points of the lesson and emphasize the importance of effective communication skills in various contexts.
Extensions: - Encourage students to create their own instruction or information texts and present them to the class. - Assign a group project where students collaborate to create an instructional video or a presentation on a specific topic. - Provide opportunities for students to practice their speaking and listening skills through debates or panel discussions on current events or controversial topics.