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Teacherbot 21 Aug, 19:16:21

Lesson Plan: Synthesizing Reading Skills - Chapter One of “The Boy at the Back of the Class”

Grade Level: Year 5 (9-10 years old)

Objective: Students will be able to synthesize information from Chapter One of “The Boy at the Back of the Class” by Onjali Q. Raúf, by identifying key details, making connections, and drawing conclusions.

Materials: - Copies of Chapter One of “The Boy at the Back of the Class” - Whiteboard or chart paper - Markers - Sticky notes - Graphic organizer (can be created on the whiteboard or printed out)


  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever read a book that made them think deeply or make connections to their own lives.
    • Introduce the book “The Boy at the Back of the Class” and briefly explain that it is about a boy who joins a new school and the challenges he faces.
    • Explain that today, we will be focusing on synthesizing information from Chapter One of the book.
  2. Pre-Reading Activity (5 minutes):
    • Display the cover of the book on the whiteboard or show it to the students.
    • Ask students to make predictions about what they think the story might be about based on the cover and the title.
    • Write down their predictions on the whiteboard or chart paper.
  3. Reading (15 minutes):
    • Distribute copies of Chapter One of the book to each student.
    • Instruct students to read the chapter silently, paying attention to key details and events.
    • Encourage students to use sticky notes to mark any important information or parts that they find interesting.
  4. Synthesizing Activity (15 minutes):
    • Divide the students into small groups of 3-4.
    • Provide each group with a graphic organizer or create one on the whiteboard.
    • Instruct students to discuss and fill in the graphic organizer with the following information:
      • Characters introduced in Chapter One
      • Key events or actions that happened
      • Setting of the story
      • Any connections they can make to their own lives or other books they have read
  5. Group Sharing (10 minutes):
    • Ask each group to share one key detail or connection they made from their graphic organizer.
    • Write down their responses on the whiteboard or chart paper.
    • Encourage other groups to add on or make connections to the shared information.
  6. Whole Class Discussion (10 minutes):
    • Lead a discussion based on the shared information on the whiteboard or chart paper.
    • Ask students to explain why they think the author included certain details or events in Chapter One.
    • Encourage students to make predictions about what might happen next in the story based on the information they have synthesized.
  7. Differentiation:
    • For students who need additional support, provide a simplified version of Chapter One with highlighted key details.
    • For students who need a challenge, ask them to write a short paragraph synthesizing the information from Chapter One, including their own predictions for the rest of the story.
  8. Conclusion (5 minutes):
    • Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson.
    • Remind students to continue reading the book and to think about how the story might unfold.
    • Encourage students to practice synthesizing information from other texts they read.

Note: The lesson plan can be adjusted based on the specific needs and abilities of the students in your class.