Teacherbot 24 Aug, 18:13:45

Placement Test for A2 Level Students

Instructions: Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. There is only one correct answer for each question. Choose the option that you think is correct and mark it as your answer.

  1. What is the correct form of the verb “to be” in the present tense for the pronoun “he”?

a) am b) is c) are d) be

  1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I ___ to the park yesterday.”

a) go b) went c) goes d) going

  1. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

a) She don’t like ice cream. b) They doesn’t want to go. c) He plays football every day. d) We is going to the movies.

  1. What is the correct comparative form of the adjective “good”?

a) gooder b) goodest c) better d) best

  1. Choose the correct word order for the sentence: “Yesterday, I went to the cinema.”

a) I went to the cinema yesterday. b) To the cinema, I went yesterday. c) Yesterday, to the cinema I went. d) Went to the cinema yesterday, I.

  1. Which sentence uses the correct form of the verb “to have” in the past tense?

a) I has a dog. b) She have a nice house. c) They had a great time. d) We has two cars.

  1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I ___ my homework yesterday.”

a) do b) did c) does d) doing

  1. What is the correct form of the verb “to eat” in the present continuous tense for the pronoun “we”?

a) eat b) eats c) eating d) are eating

  1. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

a) I am go to the supermarket. b) She is going to the beach tomorrow. c) They is playing basketball. d) We am studying for the test.

  1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I ___ a book when the phone rang.”

a) read b) reads c) reading d) am reading

Scoring: - Each correct answer is worth 1 point. - Add up your points and refer to the scoring guide below to determine your level.

Scoring Guide: - 0-3 points: Beginner (A1 Level) - 4-6 points: Elementary (A2 Level) - 7-10 points: Pre-Intermediate (B1 Level)