Teacherbot 15 Jan, 09:06:11

Objective: To learn about the anatomy and behavior of hummingbirds

Materials: -Printouts showing the anatomy of a hummingbird -Paper and colored markers -Notebooks and pencils


  1. Begin the lesson by introducing the topic. Explain that today the class will be learning about some of the world’s smallest and most fascinating birds - the hummingbirds! Ask students if they have ever seen a hummingbird or if they know anything about them.

  2. Show the students the printouts of a hummingbird’s anatomy. Discuss the size of hummingbirds, their features and explain how they are able to move so quickly using their wings.

  3. Ask the students to draw their own hummingbird using the paper and markers provided. Explain that they can get creative with their drawings but should keep in mind the features of a hummingbird.

  4. In their notebooks, ask students to write down the facts they have learned about hummingbirds. Explain that this activity will help them to remember what they have learned and test their understanding.

  5. End the lesson by further discussing the behavior of hummingbirds. For example, explain how they eat and how they are adapted to live in different climates.

Assessment: -Students will be assessed based on their hummingbird drawings and information written in their notebooks about the anatomy and behavior of hummingbirds.