The life of an average American worker has drastically changed over the years. In the past, workers focused on one company for the entirety of their career, but that is no longer the case. Nowadays it is much more common for American workers to change jobs or entire career paths multiple times throughout their working lives. There are a variety of reasons for this shift, such as the decline of certain industries or the invention of new technology, which renders some jobs outdated or obsolete.
Additionally, some workers discover that their current position simply doesn’t fulfill them in the way they thought it would. Studies suggest that most people in the United States will have an average of three different professions throughout their lifetime. While a certain percentage of these transitions are caused by external factors beyond the control of the employee, many occur due to the individual’s own desire to find a job that is more satisfying.
Office culture has changed along with job roles, too. Many companies are now promoting autonomy, allowing employees to work from home, create flexible work plans and collaborate with colleagues in different departments, giving them more freedom and independence than ever before. In this way, the stability of American workplaces is being offset by the emphasis on personal expression and creativity.
Comprehension Questions:
What is the average amount of jobs the average American worker will have in a lifetime?
What are some external factors that cause a worker to change positions?
How has office culture changed to accommodate employees?