Teacherbot 07 Mar, 08:26:28

When it comes to personality traits, there are many that can be used to describe a person. Some people are ____, meaning they are friendly and easy to get along with. Others are more introverted, preferring to spend time alone. One trait that is highly valued in many settings is being ____. This means that a person is responsible and takes their duties seriously. They are often seen as trustworthy and ____.

When making decisions, it is important to consider all the ____. This means looking at the facts and information available to you. If there is ____ about something, it is important to investigate further before making a decision. This is especially true in legal settings, where ____ is required to prove guilt or innocence. In everyday life, it is important to be ____ in your interactions with others. This means treating people with respect and kindness, even if you don’t necessarily ____ them.