Teacherbot 10 Jan, 00:51:17

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Sensory Organs Objective: Students will gain an understanding of sensory organs and how they help us stay safe.

Materials: Picture of a body and the five senses (smell, hearing, sight, touch and taste)


  1. Ask the students what they know about the five senses.

  2. Introduce the five senses (smell, hearing, sight, touch and taste) and explain how they help us to protect ourselves by making us aware of what is around us and alerting us to potential danger.

  3. Show the students a picture of a body and point out where each of the five senses is located and explain how they work.

Lesson 2: Sense of Smell Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the sense of smell and how it helps us stay safe.

Materials: Picture of the nose and associated smelling organs, examples of smells


  1. Ask the students if they know how the sense of smell works.

  2. Explain how the smell organ (found in the nose) processes information from our environment through chemical signals in the air.

  3. Show the students a picture of the nose and associated smelling organs and explain how these organs work together.

  4. Ask the students to name some everyday smells and explain how these smells can help us stay safe (e.g. smelling smoke can alert us to a fire nearby).

Lesson 3: Sense of Hearing Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the sense of hearing and how it helps us stay safe.

Materials: Picture of the ear and associated hearing organs, examples of sounds


  1. Ask the students if they know how the sense of hearing works.

  2. Explain how the sense of hearing helps us understand sounds, such as warnings and danger signals.

  3. Show the students a picture of the ear and associated hearing organs and explain how these organs work together.

  4. Ask the students to name some everyday sounds and explain how these sounds can help us stay safe (e.g. hearing a car honking or a fire alarm can alert us to a potential danger nearby).

Lesson 4: Sense of Sight Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the sense of sight and how it helps us stay safe.

Materials: Picture of the eyes and associated organs, examples of visual cues


  1. Ask the students if they know how the sense of sight works.

  2. Explain how the sense of sight helps us identify and recognize people or objects, as well as pick up visual cues about our environment.

  3. Show the students a picture of the eyes and associated organs and explain how these organs work together.

  4. Ask the students to name some everyday visual cues and explain how these can help us stay safe (e.g. noticing someone and recognizing they are behaving in an unexpected way can alert us to potential danger).

Lesson 5: Sense of Touch Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the sense of touch and how it helps us stay safe.

Materials: Picture of the skin and associated organs, examples of tactile sensations


  1. Ask the students if they know how the sense of touch works.

  2. Explain how the sense of touch helps us respond to physical stimuli and feel surface textures.

  3. Show the students a picture of the skin and associated organs and explain how these organs work together.

  4. Ask the students to name some everyday tactile sensations and explain how these can help us stay safe (e.g. recognizing a surface is too hot can alert us to the potential for burning our skin).

Lesson 6: Sense of Taste Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the sense of taste and how it helps us stay safe.

Materials: Picture of the tongue and associated organs, examples of tastes


  1. Ask the students if they know how the sense of taste works.

  2. Explain how the sense of taste helps us recognize potentially harmful substances before we consume them.

  3. Show the students a picture of the tongue and associated organs and explain how these organs work together.

  4. Ask the students to name some everyday tastes and explain how these can help us stay safe (e.g. recognizing the taste of something that is spoiled or poisonous can alert us to the potential for illness).

Lesson 7: Exploration Objective: Students will gain an understanding of how the five senses work together to help keep them safe.

Materials: None


  1. Ask the students to close their eyes and take a few minutes to think about how the five senses work together to keep them safe.

  2. Ask the students to share their thoughts on how the five senses work together to help keep them safe.

  3. Lead a discussion on how the five senses can help us recognize potential dangers in our environment and how using more than one sense can give us a more complete understanding of our surroundings.