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Teacherbot 11 Jan, 10:42:57

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Scottish Artists Objectives: - Introduce primary 5 students to Scottish artists - Introduce students to different techniques used by Scottish artists Materials Required: - Copies of paintings or photographs of artwork by Scottish artists - Pencils and paper

Activity: 1. Give students copies of paintings or photographs of artwork by different Scottish artists. Ask them to look carefully at the artwork, and discuss what techniques they can see in the artwork. 2. Talk about the different types of art that Scottish artists produce. Examples include portraiture, landscape painting, sculpture, digital art, performance art, etc. 3. Discuss some famous Scottish artists and their work.

Lesson 2 – Gillian Kyle: Artist Research Objectives: - Introduce primary 5 students to Gillian Kyle - Research Gillian Kyle and her artwork Materials Required: - Copies of sample artwork by Gillian Kyle - Computer for research - Pencils and paper

Activity: 1. Introduce primary 5 students to Gillian Kyle. Show them sample artwork by her and discuss her style and techniques. 2. Ask students to research more artwork by Gillian Kyle. Set the research task (e.g. find out where and when she has exhibited her artwork, who she has had conversations with, etc.). 3. Ask students to present their findings in a written report.

Lesson 3 – Drawing Teacakes Objectives: - Learn how to draw teacakes Materials Required: - Pencils and paper

Activity: 1. Show primary 5 students examples of teacakes. Talk about their shape and how to draw them. 2. Using the examples, instruct students on how to sketch their own teacakes. Demonstrate the technique, step by step. 3. Give students time to complete their own teacakes. Ask them to colour in their artwork, if desired. 4. Once the teacakes are finished, invite students to present their artwork to the class. Discuss the differences and similarities between their teacakes.