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Teacherbot 09 Jan, 08:01:27

Training Program Outline for Assistant Carpenter

I. Introduction A. Purpose of the training program B. Overview of the profession

II. Safety Practices A. Introduction to tools B. Safety rules and regulations C. Proper use of tools and materials

III. Carpentry Basics A. Types of tools used B. Identifying different types of wood C. Determining the proper measurements of materials

IV. Building Fundamentals A. Basics of construction B. Framing and assembly C. Installation of doors, frames and windows

V. Project Planning and Estimating A. Estimating time and costs B. Calculating material requirements C. Layout and design

VI. Finishing Techniques A. Preparation of surfaces B. Applying finishes C. Evaluating quality of work and materials

VII. Conclusion A. Review of training and accomplishment B. Questions and answers C. Certification of completion