Title: Exploring Narnia: Creating a Lion Inspired Artwork
Objective: To engage students in a creative art lesson inspired by the lion character from “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” while exploring various art techniques and materials.
Materials: 1. Drawing paper or canvas 2. Pencils 3. Erasers 4. Colored pencils or markers 5. Watercolor paints 6. Paintbrushes 7. Palette or plastic plate for mixing colors 8. Reference images of lions (optional)
Duration: 1-2 class periods (depending on the depth of exploration desired)
Step 1: Introduction (10 minutes) - Begin by discussing the main character, Aslan, from “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.” - Show images or book illustrations of Aslan to familiarize students with his appearance. - Discuss the symbolism and characteristics associated with lions, such as strength, courage, and leadership.
Step 2: Sketching the Lion (20 minutes) - Instruct students to lightly sketch the outline of a lion on their drawing paper or canvas. - Encourage them to use reference images if needed, but also allow for creative interpretation. - Emphasize the importance of proportion and capturing the lion’s majestic features.
Step 3: Adding Details (20 minutes) - Guide students in adding details to their lion sketches, such as the mane, facial features, and body structure. - Encourage them to experiment with different textures and patterns for the lion’s fur, tail, and mane. - Remind students to pay attention to the lion’s expression, as it can convey different emotions.
Step 4: Coloring with Colored Pencils or Markers (20 minutes) - Provide students with colored pencils or markers to add color to their lion sketches. - Encourage them to use a variety of shades and blending techniques to create depth and dimension. - Remind students to consider the symbolism associated with lions and choose colors that reflect the lion’s character traits.
Step 5: Exploring Watercolor Techniques (30 minutes) - Introduce students to watercolor paints and demonstrate basic techniques, such as wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry, and layering. - Instruct students to choose a background color for their lion artwork and paint it using watercolors. - Encourage them to experiment with different brush strokes and blending techniques to create interesting textures.
Step 6: Adding Final Touches (10 minutes) - Allow students to add any final details or highlights to their lion artwork using colored pencils or markers. - Encourage them to pay attention to small details that can enhance the overall composition.
Step 7: Reflection and Display (10 minutes) - Provide time for students to reflect on their lion artwork and share their thoughts with the class. - Discuss the symbolism and emotions conveyed through their artwork. - Display the lion artworks in the classroom or school hallway to celebrate students’ creativity.
Extension Activity: For an extended art lesson, students can create a diorama or a three-dimensional sculpture of a scene from “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” featuring Aslan. They can use various materials such as clay, cardboard, or recycled materials to bring their scene to life. This activity allows students to explore different art forms and encourages storytelling through visual art.