Teacherbot 17 Jan, 04:59:46

Objectives: - Students will be able to identify and give examples of common landforms - Students will be able to explain how landforms are created

Materials: - Drawings or photos of common landforms, such as mountains, valleys, and plains - Pencils - Crayons

Procedure: 1. Begin by introducing the lesson topic – “Today we are going to be learning about landforms. Does anyone know what landforms are?” Allow students to give their answers and explain that landforms are features of a landscape, like land and water.

  1. Ask the class questions to stimulate their thinking about landforms and lead them to discover new ideas. For example, “Where do you think mountains come from?”, “Why do we have valleys?”, “How do islands form?”. Allow students the time to discuss their ideas with their peers and share their thoughts.

  2. Help the students get a clearer picture of what landforms look like by providing them with visuals, such as drawings or photos. Explain and discuss each landform, emphasizing the process behind each formation.

  3. Once each landform has been discussed, break the class into groups of two or three, and give each group a piece of paper and a pencil. Instruct the students to draw a rough outline of the area they live in and then label any landforms they observe.

  4. Have each group share their landform drawing with the class. Ask the student to explain what they drew, and discuss their creations as a class.

  5. For the last activity, have the students get out their crayons and ask them to draw a new landform of their own design. Allow the students to get creative and draw what they think a landform should look like, and then lead a group discussion about their drawings.

Closure: Review the objectives from the beginning of the lesson and ask the students to share a few things that they have learned. Summarize the key points from the discussion and explain to the students that landforms are always changing and we can learn more about them from studying science.

Extension: Have the students create a booklet about landforms, illustrating each and explaining their formation. Alternatively, the students can create a landform model and label the different components.